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A single running process of a program is referred to as task within the Xelix kernel. All runtime data concerning a task is stored in a task_t struct (src/tasks/task.h). It contains things like the PID, task state, memory allocations, as well as an isf_t (Interrupt stack frame) with the processor register state.


Tasks have a number of states they can be in over their lifetime:

State name Description
TASK_STATE_RUNNING Task is running
TASK_STATE_SYSCALL Task is currently in a syscall
TASK_STATE_WAITING Task has invoked wait syscall
TASK_STATE_STOPPED A SIGSTOP signal has been received for the task
TASK_STATE_TERMINATED Killed/exited, used regardless of specific signal/exit reason. Tasks will only be in this state briefly: After task termination, but before the scheduler has called task_userland_eol. Once that has happened, the task switches to TASK_STATE_ZOMBIE.
TASK_STATE_ZOMBIE Task has been killed and task_userland_eol has run, but the parent process hasn’t called waitpid yet. Once that happens, the task switches to TASK_STATE_REAPED and will be deallocated.
TASK_STATE_REAPED Terminated task, parent has run waitpid. Should be ignored when iterating the task list and will be removed by the scheduler at its next invocation.
TASK_STATE_REPLACED Task has been replaced by a different task with an identical PID. This is an artifact of the way execve is implemented in Xelix right now.


A new task_t struct can be created using the task_new function from src/tasks/task.h:

task_t* task_new(task_t* parent, uint32_t pid, char name[TASK_MAXNAME],
    char** environ, uint32_t envc, char** argv, uint32_t argc);

This will create a memory context and allocate resources for the task. When this is done, a binary can be loaded into task memory using

int elf_load_file(task_t* task, char* path)

This loads the program headers from the ELF file and maps them into memory as requested. It also sets the absolute path and task permissions (when setuid is set) in the task struct.

The task can then be added to the scheduler (src/tasks/scheduler.h), at which point it starts running:

void scheduler_add(task_t* task)

This manual process of adding a task is only used once in the kernel in src/boot/init.c to start PID 1. All other programs are usually started using the execve syscall (implemented by task_execve in src/tasks/task.c), which handles all of the steps above.


An exiting task is deallocated in a three-step process. When the task (or crt0) calls the exit syscall, the task_exit handler in src/tasks/task.c sets the task state to TASK_STATE_TERMINATED.

During one of the next scheduler cycles, the scheduler will call task_userland_eol for the task. This will terminate the task from the userland perspective: If a parent task exists, it receives a SIGCHLD signal, lingering children will be reassigned to init, etc. The task state changes to TASK_STATE_ZOMBIE.

At this point, the kernel is waiting for the parent task to retrieve the exit status by invoking waitpid or similar. Until then, all data structures of the task are kept in memory.

As soon as the exit status has been retrieved the task state changes to TASK_STATE_REAPED, and the scheduler removes the task from the linked list and invokes task_cleanup, which frees the task’s memory allocations.

Memory management

Task memory allocations are stored in a linked list of struct task_mem in src/tasks/mem.c. Memory can be mapped into the task address space using

void task_add_mem(task_t* task, void* virt_start, void* phys_start,
    uint32_t size, enum task_mem_section section, int flags);

// If virt_start and phys_start are equal, task_add_mem_flat can be used
void task_add_mem_flat(task_t* task, void* start,
    uint32_t size, enum task_mem_section section, int flags);

The memory region that phys_start points to already needs to be allocated, for example using kmalloc.

Available flags:

  • TASK_MEM_FORK Copy this memory region when the task is forked
  • TASK_MEM_FREE Automatically deallocate this memory region when task is removed

The section type determines the access privileges the task will have on the memory and can be one of

Type Description User read User write
TMEM_SECTION_NONE Don’t map memory No No
TMEM_SECTION_STACK Initial stack Yes Yes
TMEM_SECTION_CODE Program code Yes No
TMEM_SECTION_DATA Static data Yes No
TMEM_SECTION_HEAP sbrk allocations Yes Yes


The task stack is initialized in src/task/mem.c. The default stack for Xelix tasks is one page long and located at TASK_STACK_LOCATION (currently 0xc0000000). The pages below the current stack are intentionally left unmapped.

Task stacks on Xelix dynamically grow: As soon as a task reaches the lower bound of the allocated area, a page fault is generated by the CPU and intercepted by the task memory management code. Additional pages are then mapped below the stack to increase its size, and control is returned to the program at the instruction before the page fault.


During task creation, Xelix creates two pages that are always mapped to a hard-coded location of 0x5000 in userspace memory. These contain runtime information for the task such as its PID, the parent PID, arguments, environment variables etc. This data is used by the crt0 to invoke the tasks’s main() function, and to implement stdlib functions like getpid() or getppid() without the need for a syscall.

It might also be possible to just put this on the task stack, but so far this approach has worked well.


All syscalls in Xelix use interrupt 0x80, which is registered during boot by src/tasks/syscall.c. All syscalls are dispatched by the int_handler function, which looks up the correct handler in the syscall table, copies userland buffers to kernel memory, and logs the call if strace is enabled.

The signature for syscall callbacks is

uint32_t (*syscall_cb)(task_t* task, [isf_t* state], [0 to 3 arguments])

state may or may not be passed depending on global flags, and the number and type of arguments depends on the argument flags (see below).

Syscall table

Syscalls are defined in the syscall table in src/tasks/syscalls.h using entries of the format

{"name", callback, flags, arg0_flags, arg1_flags, arg2_flags, ptr_size}
A syscall name for debugging purposes
Function to call when syscall is invoked
Syscall flags
Argument type and flags. Set to 0 to mark argument as unused (will not be passed to callback then)
Default size for SCA_POINTER arguments

The only currently defined syscall flag is SCF_STATE, in which case the Interrupt Stack Frame isf_t is passed to the callback as second argument. By default, it is not passed.

In addition, each argument has an individual type/flags field. If this field is 0, the corresponding argument is ignored (and the callback will be called without it). Available argument types:

Type Desc Translate memory Debug representation
SCA_INT Integer No %d
SCA_POINTER Pointers / Buffers Yes %#x
SCA_STRING String buffers Yes %s

If translate is Yes, the syscall handler will map the argument pointer from user memory to kernel memory, or fail the syscall if not possible. The type may be OR’d with the following flags to control translation behaviour:

Normally when translating a pointer, a value of NULL is rejected. With this, NULL will be passed 1:1.
Size of the buffer is passed in argument 0
Size of the buffer is passed in argument 1
Size of the buffer is passed in argument 2

If none of SCA_SIZE_IN_x are passed, the default size from ptr_size is used.


xelix has basic strace facilities using the strace syscall. This syscall works like fork(), except it returns a file descriptor from which the syscalls invoked by the child process can be read in the following format:

struct strace {
    uint32_t call;
    uint32_t result;
    uint32_t errno;
    uintptr_t args[3];
    char ptrdata[3][0x50];

If the argument is marked as a pointer in the syscall table (see above), ptrdata contains the first 0x50 bytes of the buffer. Internally, the strace syscall opens a pipe, assigns the write end of it to task->strace_fd for the child task, and returns the read end to the parent task.

xelix-utils includes an strace binary that uses this API.

SysFS integration

Tasks and the scheduler are integrated into SysFS. /sys/tasks returns a list of all tasks loaded by the scheduler and a bit of basic information on each. This is used by the xelix-utils ps command.

/sys/task<pid> contains more detailed information on a task, including open files and memory mappings.

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